In a surprisingly heartfelt moment on “Saturday Night Live,” Ryan Gosling bid an emotional farewell to Ken, the character he portrayed in the hit film “Barbie.” The Canadian actor, known for his immersive roles, took this opportunity to publicly part ways with the plastic icon, not without a final flourish of drama and humor.
A Fond Farewell to Ken
Nearly a year after he first stepped into Ken’s perfectly polished shoes, Gosling feels it’s time to “cut the cord” with the character that has become almost as iconic as Barbie herself. On SNL, where Gosling was promoting his upcoming movie “The Fall Guy,” he shared his feelings about moving on from the role that had him donning faux fur coats and flashy sunglasses.
Describing the departure from such an intense role as akin to a breakup, Gosling delivered a poignant message to the audience. He even serenaded the crowd with a piano rendition of Taylor Swift’s “All Too Well,” turning his goodbye into a memorable SNL moment. The audience, including his “The Fall Guy” co-star Emily Blunt, watched with a mix of amusement and surprise as Gosling humorously embraced his Ken persona one last time.
A Nod to Barbenheimer
Gosling’s farewell also served as a nod to the so-called “Barbenheimer” phenomenon — a playful comparison between the simultaneous releases of “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer,” which Blunt is a part of. This box-office showdown became a source of entertainment for fans and film teams alike, highlighting a summer where moviegoers were equally captivated by contrasting tales of plastic and plutonium.
As Ryan Gosling steps away from Ken, his departure is not just a farewell to a character, but a celebration of a role that delighted audiences worldwide. It’s a testament to the power of cinema in creating lasting images that even when the cameras stop rolling, the characters we love find a way to stay with us, at least for a little while longer.
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