Surreal Conversation Between a Cat and Its Owner About Bedtime (Video)

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In this household, it’s clear who calls the shots—and it’s not Cecilia. While she might have a say in some aspects of family life, when it comes to bedtime, her cat George is unyielding.

George, an 8-year-old Bengal cat, has been part of Cecilia’s life since 2022. Cecilia, a violinist, and George reside in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Originally from South Korea, Cecilia moved to North America at the age of six and pursued a musical career that led her to the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.

The Bedtime Boss

It’s hard for Cecilia to say no to George because he is not only adorable but also has a distinctive meow. George knows how to use his voice to get what he wants and enforce his rules.

This dynamic is humorously showcased in a TikTok video posted on July 17th on the account @violinbycecilia, which has garnered 6.6 million views and was highlighted by Parade Pets.

The Video

In the video, filmed by Cecilia, George is seen facing her and meowing insistently. His demand is simple: it’s bedtime, and he wants his human to join him.

Cecilia tries to reason with him, saying, “I’m not ready for bed yet. You can come and sit with me.” But George is having none of it.

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Determined, Cecilia attempts to assert her authority. “You don’t decide when I go to bed because I’m an adult. I know you’re waiting for me to go to sleep. I get it, but you can stay with me on the couch. I’m sorry.”

Unimpressed by her reasoning, George continues to meow persistently until he gets his way.

The Final Word

In the end, George wins the argument, demonstrating once again that when it comes to bedtime, he’s the boss.

This charming video highlights the unique and often amusing dynamics between pets and their owners. Share this delightful bedtime debate with your friends and see if their pets have similar routines!

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