Meet Finn, the Giant Cat Who Grew to the Size of a 9-Year-Old Child

the Giant Cat

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A Cat of Unusual Proportions

Finn isn’t your typical cat; his size is more akin to that of a young child. As a Maine Coon, a breed known for its impressive size, Finn’s remarkable growth is not entirely unexpected. His walks with his owner always turn heads.

Finn is far from a lightweight, but his owner, Natalie Bowman, loves carrying him around. This magnificent feline has reached an incredible length of 1.3 meters, roughly the height of a 9-year-old child. Living in San Carlos, California, about 20 kilometers south of San Francisco, Finn and Natalie often attract attention. When Natalie takes Finn for a walk on a leash, passersby are always astonished. Some even mistake him for a dog at first glance. “It’s really funny,” Natalie shares. “They think he’s a dog, and then when they get closer, they’re like, ‘Oh my God, it’s a cat.’ And they love him.”

A Gentle and Affectionate Companion

Despite his imposing size, Finn is as gentle and affectionate as they come. Natalie describes him as a “docile and curious, very funny and loving” companion. Finn constantly seeks cuddles and can sometimes exhibit signs of hyper-attachment or separation anxiety. On days when she feels he might struggle with her absence, Natalie takes him to work with her.

Finn, with his luscious orange coat, also has a big appetite. Natalie spends around $150 monthly on his food, as he eats three to four meals a day.

Life with a Gentle Giant

When people visit Natalie’s home for the first time and encounter Finn, they often compare him to a lynx or a wildcat. However, Finn is anything but wild; he’s incredibly sociable and gets along wonderfully with Natalie’s other cat.

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Finn’s story is a testament to the unique charm of Maine Coons and the special bond between pets and their owners. His size might be surprising, but his gentle nature and affectionate demeanor make him a beloved companion. Finn continues to bring joy and amazement to those who meet him, proving that sometimes, the most extraordinary things come in the most unexpected packages.

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